8:12 PM Posted by Blony

. The undersigned, being all the shareholders of [COMPANY NAME], hereby sign the following annual resolutions:


1. These resolutions are in place of an annual meeting of shareholders of the corporation.

2. The financial statements of the corporation for the fiscal year ended [MONTH AND DAY], prepared by [ACCOUNTANTS’ NAME], Chartered Accountants, under their comments dated [DATE], are received.


3. The financial statements of the corporation for the fiscal year ended [MONTH AND DAY], prepared by [AUDITORS' NAMES], under their audit report dated [DATE], are approved.

4. [DIRECTORS NAMES] are continued as directors of the corporation.

5. No auditor be appointed for the current fiscal year of the corporation.


6. [AUDITOR NAMES] are appointed the auditors of the corporation for the current fiscal year.

7. The acts of the Board of Directors since the last annual meeting of shareholders are approved and ratified.

8. [DIRECTOR NAME] is elected as a director of the corporation.

9. By-Law No. [NUMBER] passed by the Board of Directors of the corporation is confirmed.

10. The application to amend the Articles of Incorporation [OR LETTERS PATENT] of the corporation in the draft form appended as Schedule A to these resolutions is approved.

11. The proposed sale by the corporation of substantially all its assets to [PURCHASER NAME] in accordance with the draft agreement of purchase and sale appended as Schedule A to these resolutions is approved.

12. [DIRECTOR NAME] is removed as a director of the corporation.

Dated: [DATE]



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