Minutes of Meeting of Incorporators
8:01 AM Posted by Blony
1. The following incorporators were present in person:
being all of the incorporators of the corporation.
[NAME] acted as Chairman and [NAME] was appointed Secretary of the meeting.
2. The Chairman announced that a Certificate of Incorporation had been issued to this corporation by [the Department of State] and that a certified copy of the Certificate had been forwarded for recording in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds and instructed the Secretary to cause a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation to be prefixed to the minutes.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, it was RESOLVED:
That the certificate of Incorporation of the corporation be and it hereby is accepted and that this corporation proceed to do business thereunder.
3. The Secretary presented a form of By-Laws for the regulation of the affairs of the corporation, which were read article by article.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, it was RESOLVED:
That the By-Laws presented at this meeting, as amended and attached to the Minutes, were unanimously adopted and the Secretary was instructed to cause the same to be inserted in the minute book immediately following the copy of the Certificate of Incorporation.
4. The Chairman stated that the next business before the meeting was the election of a Board of Directors.
After discussion, [NAME] and [NAME] were nominated for directors of the corporation, to hold office for the ensuing year and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. No other nominations having been made, the vote was taken and the aforesaid nominees declared duly elected.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, it was RESOLVED:
That the Board of Directors be and they are hereby authorized to issue the capital stock of this corporation to the full amount or number of shares authorized by the Certificate of Incorporation, in such amounts and proportions as from time to time shall be determined by the Board, and to accept in full or in part payment thereof such property as the Board may determine shall be good and sufficient consideration and necessary for the business of the corporation.
There being no further business to transact at this time, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dated: [DATE]
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